Materials Matter
We provide free reports that help you evaluate instructional materials because high-quality content matters to teachers, to kids, and to our collective future.
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Explore our latest reviews of K-12 math, English language arts, and science instructional materials.
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Why We Care
At EdReports, we know materials matter for kids. Our mission is to increase the capacity of teachers, administrators, and leaders to seek, identify, and demand high-quality instructional materials to ensure students at all levels receive an excellent education.
Student Learning
Rigorous college and career-ready standards can improve and deepen student learning. What is taught matters.
High Expectations for All
Not all students have the same access to high-quality instructional materials and this perpetuates the opportunity gap.
When teachers are provided with high-quality materials and aligned professional learning, this increases the opportunity for all students to learn and grow.
Latest Resources
Data Dive: The Curriculum Support Teachers Need
Evan Stone, co-founder of Educators for Excellence, and Eric Hirsch, executive director of EdReports, discuss the importance of centering and supporting educators in the selection and implementation of high quality instructional materials.
Why Math Curriculum Must Have Quality Language Supports
Quality math curriculum requires quality language supports and curriculum-based professional learning so teachers can help every student thrive in math.
EdReports’ New Advisory Board for Pre-K Curriculum Reviews
The board will guide development of EdReports' first-ever pre-K curriculum reviews, supporting quality in early childhood education and instructional materials.